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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Doula?

Doulas are non-medical proffessionals, of all identities, that offer support to  birthing-persons through a spectrum of reproductive health events.

What are your interactions with medical staff like?

A doula does not interfere with other functioning members of the birth team (which includes medical staff) and their duty to provide you with care. Negative interactions with other members of the birth team would overall hinder your quality of care, something I never seek to do.  A doula provides advocacy, provides you with evidence-based information, and helps to equip you in making informed decisions about even as it is occurring.

How will hiring a doula affect my partner/family's role during the birth?

A doula seeks to incorporate your family members into your childbirth experience as thoroughly as possible. We recognize that close bonds and connections to loved ones have a significant effect on the quality of your birth and wish to facilitate ways in which they can play an active role. Doulas even go as far as to provide support and information to nuclear family members as well in order to prepare them for the arrival of baby and to help uplift you after birth.

What are the benefits of hiring a doula?

  • 38% reduced unplanned cesarean birth

  • 15% increased spontaneous vaginal birth

  • 10% reduction in pain medication

  • 41 minute reduction in labor duration

  • 31% decreased risk of dissatisfaction with birth experience

  • 38%decrease in low APGAR scoring


The numbers speak for themselves!

Is a doula right for me?

You may think that doulas are selective with their support (ie: only serving in home births or only aiding in vaginal deliveries)but this couldn't be further from the truth! A doula offers support and acceptance in your decisions as they pertain to your own unique birthing experience, helping you to become an empowered advocate for yourself and baby! A doula also offers different laboring positions (yes! even with an epidural!) hot/cool therapy, and massage. Doulas services are meant to be tailored and are therefore able to care for everyone!

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